Thursday, August 30, 2007
haha.. tOdAy i gOt mY resuLt. hAhAx.. faiLed 1 subjEct. Design & tEcHonoLgy.Just nEarLy cAn pAss.. 45/100.Den mY matHemAtic aNd acCounting gOt A1.I wAs hAppy!! tHough i faiLed one subjEct. hAhAx.. But lifE mUst gO oN. hAhAx..Den i nEarly gOt invOlved witH tHe disCipLine in scHool.I upLoAded mAny vidEos wHich i weAr unifOrm to taKe aNd upLoaded on YouTube.Den tHe Dm caMe waLking tOward me aNd tApped my bAck aNd sAy"See mE aftEr aSseMbLy."'Ok,wHy?'"Are u sHorty.. .. JonatHan? yOu sure nOe wAd hAppened?''Ok'I wAs sHocked at first.. I upLoaded tHis videO mOnkeys yeArs agO aNd nOw deN kEna. Den wAs toLd to taKe it oUt.. VerbaL wArning!!Had nO cHoice.. tOOk it oUt.. sO sAd!! cOuldnt sHare my videOs. hAhAx..tMr tEacHer dAy ceLebratiOn.. siA....
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Hmm.. tOday tHe voLLeybaLL tOurnAment wAs heLd tOday. wE hAd Edwin,Liang Kang,Roy,Elgin,RuiKun,Kanages and ShaLini. I wAs nOt invOlved bUt wAs cAmera mAn fOr tHe dAy. tHey pLayed tHeir first matcH agAinst e1.hAd a eAsy win. 20-7 or sOmetHing like thAt. Den lAter wE mEt T1 wHich wAs a strOng tEam. Den wE wOn tHe first fEw 5 baLL. After tHat.. wE totaLLy lOst it. cOmmunicatiOn aNd tEamwOrk wAs tHe probLeM. bUt nOt gOing to taLk mucH abOut it cOs u nOe wHo u are? PLAY WITH HEART. NICE jOb N2. EnjOy sOme of tHe phOtos. I wAs aLso lOoking at tHe videO of CristianO RonaLdo hEad bUtt tHis PortsmOuth pLayer bUt i duN tHink tHere wAs cOntaCt at aLL. Was tHe referEe bLind or wAd??
tHe pLayer couLd hAve fAke. hAhAx.. wAd tHe heLL!! RonaLdo sHould hAve apPeaL! But wAs afrAid getting anOthEr bAn. But duN wOrry.. Just 1 mOre matChes away aNd u cAn plAy sOccer agAin.!!
YES!! wE are wAiting fOr yOu. Mu nEeds u!!
Monday, August 27, 2007
LoOk wAd my brOtHer tRying tO dO?Look! A wOrker muLti tAsk.. tAlk on tHe pHone aNd wOrk. WOW!Wad cAn 5 kidz dO witH a mAchine? Hmm..
The Day!
2nd tiMe
ThougH is nOt cOmpetitive.
But is still fOotbaLL!
Finally.. ...My scoring drought has ended after scoring a hat trick in my sat match againt Ree United.Happy that i scored! It's like without scoring a goal for almost 3 matcHes. I wAs dAmn sAd.But on sAt.. I tOtaLLy didnt nOe wHy i hAd a urgE fOr a goaL. I fOrgot hOw i sCored my first goaL. Hmm.. But i rEmember my secOnd goaL. I wAs on tHe rigHt aNd Roy Lim wAs dribbLing dOwn aNd i wAs in the pEnatly bOx. Den Roy pAss me,I let my rigHt leG oUt,fAke tHe deFender aNd run beyOnd hiM aNd sHot a lOw baLL pAst the rigHt of tHe keeper aNd i mAke a hOrribLe ceLebratiOn.I toOk off my sHirt and pLaces the sHirt on the grOund and did a sEx on the sHirt. Look at tHis vidEo[wHere i gOt my ideA frOm] *lOok at 2.23min. The ceLebratiOn. hAhAx.. Den i wAs sub oUt. Rest.. tired. haha.. Den lAter seCond,i stArted tHe frOnt linE. I sCored my tHird goaL witH Roii assist. He was in the bOx and 2 dEfender wEre bEhind hiM,i wAs in frOnt of hiM aNd i ask fOr the baLL,pUsh fOrwArd and sHot.. OLE tHe kEeper.. GOAL!!! Later i wAs sub oUt agAin aNd rested aLL tHe wAy cOs i hAd enOugH!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
I sCored a hAt triCk tOday!!!for more information. Come and see it tmr.haha..=)
Friday, August 24, 2007 10.30pM. 1 hOur after i cAme bAck frOm YisHun Gv.CatcH the sHow 'Dead Silence' witH Roy,YvonnE,WeiLun,Elgin,mE aNd Wendy.In case who u tHinking Wendy is.. haha.. Is WeiLun sister.. haha..We met at 6.45pM. Den Wendy was in Long John Silver eating. I didnt saw her and she called me.Wendy: Why didnt call me go watch movie>Me:Huh? i tHough u had something on. [This was wad she told me a few days ago.]Wendy:No la. Who going?Me:Weilun,Yvonne,Roy and Elgin.Wendy:Yvonne. Wah.. All confirm talk to Yvonne. Ps me. Me:I accompany u lOr.Wendy: Ok.Den we bought ticKets and went to the cinemas. haha.. It was cold aNd WeiLun is scared!!!haha. He actually didnt wans to come. But we force him to coMe. And Elgin.. Pay me my $3.00 pLs. haha.. Hmm..We watched the movie and we,i mean me.. Was totally freak by the movie. So shocking!! haha. I was scared at almost all the part and Elgin who was sitting on my left was like. hahahahahaha.. Scared arh. Den Wendy on my left was even more freaked out,covering half her body and half of her face. haha.. Den it ended at 9.00pM. Den we took a bus home and took some pictures in the bus.I reached home at 9.30pm. ___________________________________________________________________tMr gOt FCMavens match!! YES!!! I'm lOoking fOrwArd to this match! I really want to scOre!! Pls!!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
My coLLection
My nEw biKe. Given bY sOmeonE
Hi.. Wow.. Today i saw a rAinbow!! haha.. My friEnds and i were playing volleyball at the back of the skool. Den one of my friend who wanted to spike the ball, look up and missed the ball.
And kept shouting:"RAINBOW!! RAINBOW!!" haha.. We all were laughing.. We though he was lying cos he missed the call and finding excuses. haha.. Den i took a pictures of it. haha.. Den after skool,I went home straight back. haha.. To fetch my brother from skool. haha..
Cycle my new bike to his school,fetch him up and we went home. haha..
After i reach home.. It was 3.30pM. I went to clean some of my display cupboard and my collection of cars. haha..tMr catcHing the movie DEAD SILENCE at night! abOut 7pM sHow.
With.. ... ..
Roy,Maybe Izzat and gAngs.
So loneLy.. Everytime watCh aLone one!!!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Super 3 mEn
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
wAu lAu!!tOdaY mY first tiMe in Ahmad IbrahiM fOr 3 yrs, I keNa dentEntiOn. ReaSon?SkiP rEmediaL.wAd tHe heLL.. Must tHe teaCher gO tO tHe extEnt of gOing to find tHe pupiL managEmEnt to settLe it? Can't u settLe it urseLf? Why be a teacHer.So after skooL,eAt mY luncH aNd rePorted tO the PMLC. Den sHe taKe attEndanCe aNd dEn sit on tHe tabLe aNd do ur own tHing. nO sLeEping. hAhAx.. No taLking aLso. sO sAd =(HaveN't fiNish mY matH prOject aNd caNnot discUss. hAhAx.. siAnz... Hmm.. Den eNded at 4.30pM. 2 hr. Den wEnt tO pass uP my projEct aNd wEnt hOme. tMr gOing to bUy my tHings. hAhAx.. witH LaMpard,CarricK,SchoLes and FerdinAnd. hAhAx..And dEn fridAy nigHt,mAybe catcHing the mOvie DEAD SILENCE. hAhAx.. With Roy,Chia Sing aNd YvOnne SoH! sCaredy mOvie. How cAn YvOnne sAy tHat i'm sCAred. PrOved to u i'm nOt sCared!! =P
Monday, August 20, 2007
He played well last night and so did Evra. Excellent composure. haha.. What tHe hEll.. Manchester United suffEred agAin. They lOst one niL to rivaL Man City lAst nigHt. so sAd. I went to the coffeE sHop to watch the match cos i got no cable tv. So sad they actually lose. I think the problems now with Man Utd is attack. No Ronaldo, No Rooney. Tevez onli leading the frontLine? He need more back up. Put Anderson. Where is he? Use him. It the time now to use him and not wait till everyone got their form back and u have headache choosing who to play or start. haha.. Man Utd u better win the next match against hotspurs. haha.. Pls win. Dun let Chelsea get the title. though is still early in the season,a good start will be good. ok Man Utd!!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
YestErdAy went to watCh RusH hOur 3 at LidO OrcHard. Got tHe ticKets frOm my auntie wHo hAs a discOunt ticKets as sHe is a mEmber of tHe NTUC sOmetHing. Den my fAmiLy,mY gOdpArents aNd my tHree cOusin wEnt tO watCh. I eNded swiMMing at 6.30pM,my gOdpa fetCh mY dAd aNd wEnt strAigHt to OrcHard. tHere wAs a jAm dEn wE hAd tO tAke a lOng cUt. wE reAch tHere at abOut 7.35pM wHich tHe mOvie stArts at 7.50pM. Had a qUicK maC dinnEr aNd wEnt in. The sHow wAs quite fUnny tHough nO mEaning. But it wAs quite hUmOur. hAhAx.. IndEed a gOod sHow. Den tHe sHow eNded at 9.30pM. My gOdpa dEn givE us a lift tO my 6th uncLe and aUntie hOuse[wHo heLp us bUy the ticKets] tO bOrrow cAr frOm my auntie cOs tOday mY dAd nEed to uSe. tOday go prAy my aH gOng at ChUa Chu Kang tHere. vEry dEep inside tHe cEmetEry. It nOt cEmetEry tHat my aH gOng is. Is one of tHe mEmoriaL pArk tHere. ExPensive mAn!! hAhAx.. dEn wEnt aH mA hOuse deN wEnt hOme after dinnEr. Later gOing cOffEesHop watCh sOccer. Man City vS Man Utd. tHis tiMe Man Utd wiLL win!
2-0 at leAst. sCorer- Tevez aNd SchOles.
Friday, August 17, 2007
---------------NOVEMBER BABY --------------------
Trustworthy and loyal. Very passionate and dangerous. Wild at times. Knows how to have fun.Sexy and mysterious. Everyone is drawn towards your inner and outer beauty and independent personality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotional and temperamental sometimes. Meets new people easily and very social in a group. Fearless and independent. Can hold their own. Stands out in a crowd. Essentially very smart. Usually, the greatest men are born in this month. If you ever begin a relationship with someone from this month, hold on to them because their one of a kind.
Hmm...I rEceived this eMaiL frOm my friend Arvindhan. I tHink mOst of tHe tHing is reaLLy taLking abOut mE.. U agrEe??
Thursday, August 16, 2007
3n2 Hmm.. I received tHe pHotos of tHe NationaL Day tUg-Of-wAr liAo.. AnyonE wAns cAn cOpy. hAhAx.. wiLL upLoad all of tHe pHotos. tHk Kanages fOr tHe pictUres.. hAhAx.. Hmm.. I teLL yOu, wE wOn thE rivaL n1 aNd i hEard frOm one of tHe mEmber frOm n1 sAy tHat tHe lEader sAy tHat ; AiyO,N2 nOthing, vErus aLL of tHem sure win,wHich cAused tHeir dOwnfaLL. We aLso wOn anOther exprEss cLass aftEr lOsing one rOund to tHem. Thank Mr BurtOn rOw fOr tHe suPpOrt.. He suPported us wHen wE werE lOsing tO tHe n1 in tHe seCOnd rOund bUt wE gOt it baCk.. hAhAx.. EnjOy!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Hmm.. TonigHt Man Utd Vs Portsmouth. Manchester United to win 3-0. They will win it! GO!Even tHough they had a goal less draw with Reading,i tHink they can make it man!! hAhAx.. Hmm..StArted maPle duN nOe wHy.. But i tHink will stOp sOon la. It aLwAys like tHat.. Hmm.. Den cLass wAnted to dO cLass T nOw at tHe eNd of tHe yEar sound crAzy bUt aNyonE wAns sO nO objeCtion. MaybE mUst acCompany sOme fOoLS to QueeNswAy to sEe tHe printinG. hAhAx.. Den wEnt Youtube to sEe Arsenal matcH agAin FuLham wHen LeHmann cOck uP.. Saw tHe strikEr cHase tHe baLL untiL tHe keEper befOre he miskicK aNd sLot it in. hAhAx.. wAd a cOcker!! GermaNy numbEr 2. TottenhAm hOtspurs suffEred tHeir secOnd loSs tO evertOn 3-1. sO sAd.. hAhAx..
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Hmm.. todAy,I wOke uP at 6.30aM. BatH aNd tOok mRt tO YisHun as i stAyed at my gOdma pLace fOr thE pAst twO nigHt. I wEnt baCk cOs i hAd a sOccer matcH at 8aM. I reaChed hOme at 7.30aM,cHanged and weNt tO tHe fieLd wHich is nEar my hOuse. reAChed tHere secOnd. Roy Lim first. hAhAx.. Den wE wAitEd.. oNe bY onE cAme. MatcH stArted at 9+aM,wE wOn bUt tHe oPpenent wEre likE pLaying rOugh,wAsnt tHere to pLay sOccer bUt picK a figHt. aFter tHe matcH, onE of thE mEmber sAy sOmetHing abOut tHe tEam wHich agtaitEd 2 of our teAmmAtes wHich maKe tHem aNgry aNd wEnt ovEr tO tHem aNd wHack the singH. hAhAx.. tHe guy wHo saY sOmetHing abOut our teAm wAs a singH. dEn hE wAs freAked oUt aNd aLL of us hAd to puLLed tHem baCk nOe.. Remind mE of thE cHampion LeagUe quArter finaL i tHink,wHen InterMilan wAs agAinst Valencia. hAhAx.. Den i wEnt baCk hOme and had nOthing to dO. dUn feeL like doing my D&T projEct,dAmn streSsed uP cOs of this subjEct. Den sLack till 3 pM when my fAmiLy caMe bAck frOm my grAndma hOuse. We hAd dinnEr at nOrtHpOint,tAppen-yaKi. hAhAx.. wAs deLicious but wAs nOt fuLL at aLL. Den cOme hOme and watCh Toy Story 2. Nice sHow,mAke me tHink abOut my cHildhOOd. hAhAx.. siAn.. tMr sChOoL.. Must bE reStLess after tHe long wEekEnds. hAhAx.. But i feeL extreMeLy tirEd.. My aNkLe are aChing,mY bAck acHing,mY hAmstring is stiLL pAin.. Must bE tOo mAny sOccer aLready. Must rEst wAit over excerise. And nO matChes fOr the nExt 1 weEk cOs gOt ComMon tEst tHis wEek bUt wE duN hAve. hAhAx..
Friday, August 10, 2007
hmm.. Finally.. Over.. The dAy hAs ovEr. I feeL prOud aNd strOng. I tHank tHem vEry mucH fOr giving mE a cHance aNd letting mE gO fOr it. I did it! It wAs a gOod rEsuLt tO be truE. It nOt eAsy to sAy figHt aNd u figHt aNd u win. I'm reAlly hAppy witH my perfOrmanCe aNd aLso my skiLL tHough i gOt bAnged off mAny tiMes bUt i tHink i cAn cHange on tHat aNd gUys,tAke a gOod rEst,It been a lOng dAy aNd eaCh of us dEserve a gOod reSt. hAhA.. I pOst mOre of it wHen tHe tiMes cOme.. hAhAx.. Go! Go! Go!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Happy BirtHdAy SingaPore. U are 42nd yEars oLd aLready!!
hmm.. tOday is NationaL Day. My activties wAs mOrning,9aM, sOccer training fOr tMr tOurnaMent. tHank YiLun fOr sUpPorting mE. I bEat tHe big bOys. Got ACS aNd sOme otHer wEird nAme. hAhAx..Busy wEekend fOr mE. tMr tOurnaMent,dEn aftEr tOurnAment,gO mY gOdma hOuse,SaturdAy sWimMing aNd deN stAy grAndmA hOuse deN SundaY mOrning 8aM gOt matcH. A rematCh witH EGOS United cOs tHey wAn to bEats us aS tHe first matcH tHey did nOt hAve first sqUad.hAhAx.. BRING IT MAN!!! I wiLL dO mY beSt tMr cOs i'm gOing to leAd tHe frOntLine. hAhAx..
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Team disCussing wHo to pLay and wHere. Hmm.. TodAy NationaL dAy Eve. We hAd ceLebratiOn in scHool at 7.30aM as usuaL onLi tHing is tHat wE hAd sOme ceLebratiOn. Singing and luCky drAw. AftHer tHat,wE hAd gaMes. Tug Of wAr. wE wOn 3n1 aNd one exprEss cLass. But wE lOse to tecHincaL fAirLy bUt tHey wOn smeLLy. I hAte tHeM. tEnsiOn wAs in tHe air cOs mAny peOple cOmpLain tHat tHey cHeatedin otHer matcHes. LouSy mAnageMent. hAhAx.. fUck oFf..
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Hmm.. It 3 dAys to gO onLi. tO tHe big dAy. And 2 dAys tO tHe nAtiOn birtHdAy. hAhAx.. Hmm.. Izzat.. numbEr 30 is nO onE numbER.. But i mAke it sOmeoNe nuMber. My nuMber. hAhAx..tMr gOing to ceLebrAte NatiOnaL Day ceLebratiOn. No cLass.. SHiok!!! Hmm.. tHen maybE tMr gOt trAiing.. haha.. sHiok..
Sunday, August 05, 2007
haha.. Hmm.. It sundAy todAy aNd MancHester United is fAcing CheLsea fOr tHe cOmmunitY sHieLd 2007/08. hAhAx.. It wiLL bE pLaying at 10pM,I bE watChing.. But nOt at hOme,at cOffEe sHop.WatChing witH Elgin & maybE Navin. hAhAx.. SCV hiKe stOp mY mUm frOm appLying SCV sPort cHannel aNd aLso SCV itseLf. hAhAx.. frOm $15 to $25.. About tOo muCh hOr.. hAhAx.. nO mOre ESPN soMemOre.. hAhAx.. wAd to dO? When eConomiC bAd,priCes gO uP.. ecOnomiC gOOd.. Still tHe sAme,nEver gO dOwn.. wAd tHis?
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Friday, August 03, 2007
hmm.. hi. todAy hAd a tOtaLLy sHriek dAy. Was daMn tirEd lA. Played bAdmintOn fOr 1 an hOur. Tagged witH HOD PE Mr Tan Vs Mr Loke and AVA teacher,duN nOe wAd nAme. tHough wE wOn,I lEarn mucH frOm Mr tAn,teLLing mE hOw to rUn aNd servE. His sErver wAs daMn niCe. ExactLy at tHe drOp line. Hmm.. sO arMs are acHing,LeG arE acHing. tMr gOt matcH,sOccer matcH. finaLLy.. tMr,i sHall wEar my LASER to trY oUt first. deN it aNotHer 6 dAys tO NatiOnaL dAy aNd 7 dAys to tHe BIG DAY. LoOking fOrwArd. hAhAx.. dEn aftEr trAining,wEnt baCk,sAw mAnagEr ConstAnce. sO fuNny.. Is it a signaL?YestErdAy sAw hEr brOtHer,tOday sEe hEr.. Hmm.. It a signaL.. haha..
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Den second incident.I was cycling my brother when going up the hill at Yishun Park,the bicycle break into half.Believe or not. But it really just break into half.I was cycling up den i feel the bike is going lower and lower.. Before i could stop,the bike stopped and my brother and i fell. Just some cuts. haha. Scary man!! =]Hmm.. Today in skool. happened something. the fat teacher is back. i dun noe wad to say her la. But she was super unreasonable lor. She say u can do anything but not do something that break the rule.And guess wad? She drink a milo in the class. Then Liangkang was laughing loudly den she suddenly jumped up and say. 'I got the sound recorded in my phone and i will give it to the DM. Wtf.. Wad also DM. Den LiangKang ask her when she can drink? She say cos i got no water. Den we all say WATER COOLER. She say i cannot leave the class and all those excuse. Hmm.. Hope MOE consider whether to reconsider employing teacher by looking at their performance and not their brain. Cos if someone with good brain but not good attitude.. I tell u. U might as well go pour rubbish better. Ok. So here some pictures of her and also a video of her drinking milo and scolding one student. Enjoy.Here the video. Dun noe how to put on my blog so just click this link'