Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Audy sLeEping. So funNy. hAhAhAhA.. .. Audy aNd SiddiQ at KFC. So gAy rigHt?
Roy at KFC.Trying tO gEt a sHot frOm mE bUt cOuLd nOt! New cHange in tHe cineMa. KnOck dOwn tHe pOol cAfe aNd sHift to tHere. And aLso a fOod cOurt beside it.Went to watch tHis sHow aftEr skOoL at CausewAy Point.SuPer gOod sHow. Rating;10/10The gHost wAs liKe pOpping uP suddenLy. gOod sHow wOrtH tHe mOney. We mEet Izzat,Audy,Siddiq at CausewAy.dEn WendY aNd GraCe couLd nOt mAke it fOr tHe 5.15pM sHow cOs GraCe nEed to gO hOme deN Wendy dUn wAn 1 girL wAtch ALONE? So wE sPend oUr 1 hOur wAit at kFc cOs wE miSsed tHe 3.15pM sHow. Eat aNd taLk fOr 1 hOur. tiMe tO gO intO tHe cineMa.Quite a numBer of pEopLe. bUt i teLL u gUys aNd girL. PeopLe witH soft hEart,wEak hEart PLS.. DUN WATCH IT! It kILL yOu. BtW,Roy wAs so sCared aNd freAked oUt.BefOre tHe gHost cOme oUt,He wAs likE cOvering his fAce aNd sAy,Come aLready cOme aLready.. hAhAx.. And stArt maKing gHostLy soUnd. Hmm.. tOdAy cLass gOt cOckrOacH. ThiS Admin lEader wAs pAcking tHe bAck of tHe cLass when hE suddenLy shOut sOftLy la. dEn wE pLay witH tHe cOckrOAch. I use tHe dustpAn to sHove it in aNd fLip it. sO fUn. After mucH fuN,I oPen tHe window aNd tHrow it oUt! hAhAx.. fLying cOckrOach.. hAhAx..
Monday, July 30, 2007
Ya!! TodAy big nEws!! ClassrOom windOw brEak. hAhAx.. tHk tO AudY aMin. hAhAx.. He wAs trYing to cLose tHe windOw bUt tHe scrEw bEside caMe off lOng agO.. deN tHere wAs a lOud bAng!! hAhAx. The gLass sCattEred aNd hApPened a teacHer wAs neArby. taLk tO hiM,i duN nOe wAd la. hAhAx.. tMr gOing watcH 'ALONE' tHe mOvie. frOm ThaiLand. hAhAx.. AnybOdy intErested? hAhAx..
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Went to Queensway this morning to get my LASER. Went there abit early at about 10.45am. All the shops haven't open. Den walk around as some of the shops opened already.Den i loOked at tHis sHow. Hmm.. Saw the LASER. Opened by a indiAn mAn. The yeLLow LASER doEsn't hAve mY sizE lOr. It 9.5, I wAn neEd a siZe 9.dEn waLk arOund untiL 11 wHen aLmOst aLL tHe sHop oPened. sO wEnt tO tHis shOp naMe caLLed Sports Fashion Pte Ltd. Went intO tHe sHop aNd sAw tHe bOots bUt... .. nO siZe. So nO cHoice,ask fOr tHe wHite one. Hmm..It arOund $90.00. Den wEnt to bLk 127 Queensway Lane tHere to get aNg kU kueH. But nevEr seLL. Rest. hAhAx.. dEn wEnt baCk to aH mA hSe.. UncLe aNd auntiE were tHere aLready aS wE aNd our cOusins stAy tHere ovErnigHt. Went hOme at abOut 3.30pM,a lift frOm mY uncLe. dEn sAw tHis cAt at tHe cArpArk sitting in a sLack pOsitiOn.. Reach hOme bLog and aftEr dinnEr wEnt to my 6th uncLe hOuse.. Labels: LASER
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
i wAs pAcking mY drAwer tHis mOrning wHen i nOtice my primAry skooL art pieCes. I fOrgOt wAd tHis cALLed.. It stArts frOm 'P' And also i wAs pAcking my bEd aNd i reAlise tHat mY brotHer wAs using my yOung tiMe bLanket. hAhAx.. I wAs likE 5 yrs oLd. I rEmemBer pEeing on it onCe!!
Hmm.. I cut my hair today. Twice!! First i went and i kept my fringe. dEn cOme hOme aLrigHt. untiL mY dAd cAme bAck. Ask mE wHy sO lOng tHe fringE.. nOt niCe so wEnt tO cUt agAin lOr.
TimE Fly...
It mOving to quiCkLy..
8 dAys tO RoY Lim birtHdAy
15 dAys to NationaL Day
16 dAys to tHe big dAy
2 1/2 mOntH to yEar-eNd exAm.
cAn tiMe jUst mOve sLowLy abit?
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Hmm.. How???SupremAcy or Laser?Laser is tOo exPensive!!! With sKeLetOn.. $320nO sKeLetOn aLso nEed $80-$100!! hOw?? bUt wHo wiLL bUy a $320 bOots to weAr aNd pLay sOccer. It nOt wOrtH.. So it SupremAcy or Laser.. heLp mE!! Give mE a tAg.. !! PLS!!
Hmm.. tOdAy... I hAd a bAd dAy. I vOmitted in sKooL. I duN nOe wAd is wrOng witH mE. Had a hEadacHe,stOmaChache and vOmitteD. It wAs bAd. I tAhan in skOoL untiL 12 pM. wHen my hEadacHe becAme wOrse. wEnt to rePort to offiCe aNd hAd to fiLL in tHis decLaratiOn fOrm. And aLso nEeded to bE apprOve bY viCe principaL. Btw at reCess, VP alreAdy nOtice mE feEling nOt weLL aNd asK mE wAd tO gO hOme nOt. I sAy nO. hAhAx.. den i wEnt baCk aNd sLeEp. I sLeEp frOm 12.10pM tiLL 2.30pM. dEn wEnt tO sEe dOctOr. DoctOr sAy i hAd fEver 38.1 tHat wHy gOt hEadacHe aNd vOmit.. deN hE gAve mE 3 tYpe oF mEdiciNe.. Fever,vOmitted and antibiotiC. Hmm.. It aLL piLLs la. Quite sMall expEct antibiOtic,it hArd piLL. Den cAme hOme,eAt lunCh aNd deN mEdicine and wEnt to sLeep untiL 5pM. FeeLing muCh bEtter!! hAhAx.. But MC tMr.. ShiOk@@!!
Monday, July 23, 2007
haha.. tOday is MondAy!!! Boring dAy.Went tO skOoL aND wAs aLmOst ovEr sLept,wOke uP at 6.25aM. SuPpOse to wAke uP at 6aM. MaybE lAst nigHt sLept at 11.30pM. Hmm. Went tO skooL per nOrmaL. Had asseMbLy. DM tAlking crAp agAin abOut ruLes aNd wAdever.DeN PhysiC wAs tHe nExt lEsson.. FoLLowEd bY P.E. Had a grEat tiMe pLaying vOlleybaLL witHout using hAnd bUt leGs,Chest,ShouLder and hEad. New ruLes yEt. deN P.E teaCher sAy IntEr cLass is soCcEr!! cOoL!!DeN rEcEss..AftEr tHat in HistOry leSson, Mr Ho didn't teaCh bUt taLk to us. He sAy tHat a pErson wHo sLept 6 hOurs cAn rEmembEr mOre tHings deN a pErson whO sLept 10 hOur. cOoL rigHt?And if a pErson dOesnt givE uP, hE wiLL suCcess!! sO NEVER GIVE UP! JUST SAY I CAN DO IT!Den tHinking of bUying a nEw bOots befOre 10 August, but duN nOe wAd bOots to bUy?Nike T90 Laser is to exPensive.. It cOst $$320++. I wAnt tO buY tHe skeLetOn one, nOt witHout sKeLetOn.It hAs bEen on mY wisH List. but i tHink i wiLL nEver gEt it. My mum will kiLL mE!!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Hmm.. TodAy it fridAy.. I liKe FridAy.. It mAke mE feeL likE it tHe eNd of studY. hAhAx.. tOdAy gOt RaciaL hArmOny dAy ceLebrAtiOn. Was frOm 7.45aM tO 9.10aM. Den leSson pUsh fOrwArd aNd deN i faiLed mY pHysiC tEst. 8/20mArks. Den aftEr pHysiC, It wAs POA. Had a tEst on trAding aCcoUnt aNd baLanCe sHeet. It wAs qUite ok lA. Not sO diffcuLt.
After POA. It wAs reCess. Den it wAs D&T.. But Mr Low didnt cOme. Den tHree reLief teaCher cOme tO reLief tHe 2 hOur. Den oNe of tHe reLief teaCher toLd us tHat bY reLiefing onE dAy.. The pAy is $65. nOt bAd pAy,duN hAve to teacHer and gEt aNgrY aNd jUst sit tHere. wOw.. Easy cAsh$$$.
DeN aftEr skooL,pLayed sOccer. AboUt to gO hOme dEn AzLan caLLed mE to pLay. sO jUst pLay lOr.. After tHat IzzAt cOme. Den hE aSk mE.. Play sOccer neVer caLL mE.. How tHe heLL i nOe u wAn pLay sOccer. MaybE witH Wani i aLso dun nOe. Den pLay.. Wow.. pLay rOugh lOr.. wAd tO dO.. WhicH crEature duN wAn to win. But in tHe eNd wE wOn bY pEnatLy sHot bY azLan. DeN tOok a cAb hOme.. *i'm nOt ricH. After cOming hOme, eAt lunCh. Den suddEnLy rAin. Heavy rAin.. After tHat at 5pM,wEnt to fetCh my didi. haha.. He wEnt to RP fOr sOme duN wAn progrAmMe. DeN aftEr tHat,wEnt to pAss my mAnager tHe pArent cOnsent fOrm. Have to fetCh hEr to tHis 200++ tO pHotocOpy hEr tHing.. So hEavy lOr.. haha.. Just JokinG.. Den cOme hoMe.. haha.. And reLax aLL tHe wAy.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
haha.. It Roy new penciL bOx.. ActuaLLy... He dig it oUt frOm sOmewHere in hiS hOuse...
He wAs liKe so prOud of it LoR!
My fOrm taKen frOm mY mAnagEr
Wonderful dAy tOdAy!!!
10 August.. The dAy i bE lOoking fOrwArd toO..
It's a seCret..
Hmm.. tOday wEnt to skooL pEr nOrmAl..
But tMr it 'HER' birtHdAy.. I havEn evEn bUy aNytHing fOr hEr..
Hmm.. Den at 6.15. Went tO coLLect mY tHis fOrm frOm ConstAnce,mY mAnager.
Need pArent cOnsEnt.. Tell yOu mOre wHen tHe dAte cOmes...
Den LampArd tOok mY Test.. Noe mE weLL?
And hE gOt 70%.. He is trUe friEnd. He onLi nOe mE liKe 1 mOntH??
And hE gOt 70%... hAhAx.. It cooL.. Hope u cAn aLso tAke tHe tEst...
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
haha.. Wow.. TodAy a big tHing happEnEd.TodAy gOt nO HistOry lEsSon cOs tHis Mr.HO wEnt on cOurse.Den tHis big sUper fAt jumbO teaCher caMe to reLief. hEr nAme Miss Low. wHoa..sHe just 19 yrs oLd i tHink.. She just finisH JC lAst yEar.. oMg.. She daMn fAt...Den abOut 10min lAter.. sHe sAy caNnot use phOne.. Den tHis Nibin uSe phOne..sHe cAught Nibin and aSK hEr KeeP hEr pHone..Den abOut 1.15pM,sHe cAught Izzat pLaying hAndpHone.. waLk tOwArd hiM aNd aSk hiM give his pHone to hEr.Den tEnsiOn begAn..FAT: GivE mE ur pHone.IZZAT:For wHat??FAT: You caNnot uSe ur pHone in tHe cLass.GirLs beHind quickLy kEpt tHeir phOne.IZZAT:tHe girLs beHind aLso using maH.FAT: I didn't sEe tHem pLay bUt i sAw u uSe.IZZAT: Den wHy u nEver sEE tHem?FAT: Give mE ur phOne.IZZAT:*StaNd uP and aSk fOr WHAT?!!? WHY?!!?FAT: Just givE mE ur phOne.IZZAT: Ok. You wAn.. Ok.. *wAlk to tHe teacHer tabLe and sLaM tHe phOne.Walk baCk.IZZAT: You hAppy nOw..PeoPLe stArt arguing.. .. Why? What?Den Izzat told Audy to take tHe phOne wHiLe pEopLe argUe... Den Izzat and AudY qUickLy asK to gO toiLet and rAn aWay..Bell rAng.FAT panic aS sHe caNnot sEe tHe phOne. Den stArt qUestiOning aLL of us. FAT: No oNe is to lEave tHis rOom unLess tHis guY is baCk.. wHich is Izzat.EveryoNe: Why? He aLready pUt tHe phOne.. ** nO one nOe Izzat toOk tHe pHone seCretLy.FAT:He didn'tEveryOne: DidDidn;tDid..Izzat cOme bAck aNd pUt tHe phOne bAck.. FAT wEnt to kEep her tHing and evEryone wAs nOt hAppy witH hEr attitudE...Den i aSk hEr poLiteLy..Jon: Can IzZat taKe bAck tHe SIM cArd?FAT: NO! I'm gOing to give tHe VP.Jon: Ya.. What u wan is tHe phOne.. What if tHe VP use tHe cArd?FAT:VP will nOt..Jon:Fed-uP.. Who nOe's.. nObOdy exPecting Dubai tO cHeat NKF $$$.. rigHt?FAT: NO!!Den Mr Ong,DM cAme intO tHe cLass.. Cos nExt leSson is hiS leSson.Den Miss Low compLain aNd Ong tOok ovEr..He cArry on his leSson..After skoOl..He stArt aSking wHo invOlved aNd wAdevEr..Den finisH.. Bring Izzat tO stAff rOom finD tHe FAT..And dO tHe wAdevEr is nEeded.. The mAgicaL wOrd.. SORRY!!!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Hmm...It's tuEsdAy.Boring dAy tOdaY.. .. ReaLLy vEry tirEd tOdaY,nOt in tHe mOod to stUdy.. sLeepy aNd tirEd.todAy aftEr skooL wE pLayed catChing in tHe cLassrOom.. sO daMn fuN.Den tHis DoveN mAke Eva crY.. Cos hE gO rEad Eva journaL.. That gO rEad tHe taLking at hEr ex bOyfriEnd tHe entrY.. Den sHe cRy.. O... ... hAhAx.. AftEr tHat abOut 3pM,tOok a cAb bacK witH LuN aNd MaLcoM. CamE hOme, bAtH aNd mAkan luNch.. CannOt finisH mY wHoLe pAcket of mixEd riCe. DeN used tHe cOmputEr,upLoad my piCtures cOs my USB datA cabLe sPoLit,sO lEnt frOm Roy. But i wiLL nOt rEturn.. A.... Just kiddinG... Hmm... tHis fridAy F*&$h birtHdAy.. dUn nOe wAd to buY fOr hEr.. Wani,heLp mE!!! tHink of sOmetHing fOr mE to buy fOr hEr.. haha.. Den mY priMary 6 teAcher is lEaving nExt mOntH fOr U.S.A for 2 yrs,so will hAve a gAthering at hEr hOuse tHis sAturday aftErnOOn.. haha..Guys. By tHe wAy, tHe vidEo is uPloaded at YoutubE... haha.. Find it under Crying or geyLang girl..
Monday, July 16, 2007
Hmm.. tOday is MondAy. First dAy of tHe wEek.. vEry tirEd.. BraziL wOn tHe Copa American cUp. Hmm.. Went sHopping on sAt aNd witnEss a cAr accidEnt at Lentor Ave tHere. It wAs a bAd one wHich cAused a mAssive jaM. The wHoLe 7m lOrry wAs skidded and bLock aLL 4 lanEs of tHe rOad. The bus aNd cAr aLso suffEred mOre.. It wAs tOtaLLy wrecKed. Everyone in tHe mRt wEre liKe oMg.. WaH!! It wAs tOtaLLy a wrEcked. LucKiLy onLi peOple injuRed..tOday in skooL.. ntHing reAlly hAppEned la. Like nOrmaL dAys.. But engLish tEachEr nOt cOming fOr tHree dAys. YaY!!!.. Last wEek matHematiC teAcher nevEr cOme wHoLe weEk. This wEek engLisH.. ShioK!! Hmm..Am i stiLL c0nsider as a sMall bOy nOw??My dEar sistEr sAy i wAs a sMall bOy,duN undErstAnd wAd 'aduLts' taLking??*sHake hEad????*Hmm. And I will bE trAining witH tHe KoreAn SupErs Reds bY witHin tHis 2 wEeks if ntH deLayed oR hAppEned. ReaLLy lOOk fOrwArd tHough tHere are bOttom lAst of tHe leagUe.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Hmm.. It Friday, tHe 13tH. SuPpose it bE a unLucKy dAy. But i sEeM tO hAve a wOnderfuL dAy fOr mE. Hmm.. SchOoL hAs bEen nOrmaL. After skoOL wEnt hOme aNd fOllow Siddiq bUy hiS PuMa bOots. VidiC siAo. haha.. LikE VidiC sO mucH. Just Like mE aNd RoonEy.After bUying hiS bOots, Went tO eAt at MacDonaldo dEn wE uSe tHe cOupOn to bUy tHe meaL. Buy onE mEal and u cAn gEt a frEe cHeese burgER,ChicKen bUrger aNd sOmemOre otHer tHings. Den tHis Roy duN nOe hOw tO sAy. UnLess.. So i foLo hiM bUy. At tHe cOunter....Me: Pass tHe cAshier tHe cOupon.He lOOk at mE.. I lOOk at hiM.. ...... ...... ...... ..... ........ .....Den i ask hiM 'cAn use?'He smiLe aNd sAy oF cOurse aNd lAugh sOftLy.haha..After eAting,Siddiq wEnt hOme and sO did Roy and Me.Reach hOme, Went to fetCh mY brOther frOm NortHLand PriMary.Den mY brO gOt bitE bY hiS friEnd.. LoL!!!The hAnd nOw abit sWoLLen... AiyO.. Den somemOre didn;t teLL teAchEr.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Hmm.. Hi guys.It been sometime i didn't blog.Was B U S Y !tOday i wEnt to tHis MediAcOrps tO hAve a intErviEw witH IzzAt[KaKa]tHere wAs abOut 8 gUys in a mEeting rOom,witH 3 gUys frOm tHe mEdia.There asK us sOme qUestiOn.They arE intEndinG tO buiLd a librAry at tHis OrcHard RoAd,Youth Park tHere.Den wE disCuss frOm 5-7pM,wAd wE wAn fOr tHe librAry.At 7pm, tHe sEssiOn wAs ovEr aNd wE wEre pAid $70 in tOtaL. $50 TANGS vOunchEr aNd $20 cAsH.wE wEre qUite hAppy.Den tOok a bUs baCk tO YisHun.And dEn mY FCMavens cOacH caLL IzzAt aNd sAy tHat wE migHt trAin witH of Of tHe S-LeagUe teAm. The kOrea teAm,ThOugh havEn cOnfirM as taLks are stiLL on.hAhAx.. If it reaL.. I bE lOoking fOrwArd to. hAhAx..I'm aLso lOoking fOr a nEw bLogsKins!!! =]#30
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Hmm.. I'm back after 3 days. My com got into some virus and couldnt be used until today when my good friend, came to fixed for me. Lucky didn't went to shop to repair. He just say must reboot can already.But all my pictures,songs,Video,all goes.Even all my data?!?!Going crazy!!!Btw...Tmr i be going to the Mediacorps to do some interviewing.At 5 pM... Sianz.. Lucky not alone. With Izzat.They are thinking of building a library at the Youth Park.haha.. Sound crazy?* Like who will go there and study?*